2D Graphics Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NskgpuThis file includes numerous public types that are used by all of our gpu backends
 CAllocatorAsserts if internal values are illegal or inconsistent
 CGrBackendSemaphoreWrapper class for passing into and receiving data from Ganesh about a backend semaphore object
 CGrFlushInfoStruct to supply options to flush calls
 CGrTFlagsMaskWraps a C++11 enum that we use as a bitfield, and enables a limited amount of masking with type safety
 CGrYUVABackendTextureInfoA description of a set GrBackendTextures that hold the planar data described by a SkYUVAInfo
 CGrYUVABackendTexturesA set of GrBackendTextures that hold the planar data for an image described a SkYUVAInfo
 Csk_spShared pointer class to wrap classes that support a ref()/unref() interface
 CSkAutoCanvasRestoreStack helper class calls SkCanvas::restoreToCount when SkAutoCanvasRestore goes out of scope
 CSkBitmapSkBitmap describes a two-dimensional raster pixel array
 CSkBlenderSkBlender represents a custom blend function in the Skia pipeline
 CSkCanvasSkCanvas provides an interface for drawing, and how the drawing is clipped and transformed
 CSkColor4fRGBA color value, holding four floating point components
 CSkColorFilterColorFilters are optional objects in the drawing pipeline
 CSkColorInfoDescribes pixel and encoding
 CSkColorSpacePrimariesDescribes a color gamut with primaries and a white point
 CSkColorTableSkColorTable holds the lookup tables for each channel (ARGB) used to define the filter behavior of SkColorFilters::Table, and provides a way to share the table data between client code and the returned SkColorFilter
 CSkCornerPathEffectSkCornerPathEffect is a subclass of SkPathEffect that can turn sharp corners into various treatments (e.g
 CSkCubicMapFast evaluation of a cubic ease-in / ease-out curve
 CSkDataSkData holds an immutable data buffer
 CSkDataTableLike SkData, SkDataTable holds an immutable data buffer
 CSkDiscretePathEffectThis path effect chops a path into discrete segments, and randomly displaces them
 CSkDocumentHigh-level API for creating a document-based canvas
 CSkDrawableBase-class for objects that draw into SkCanvas
 CSkDrawLooperDEPRECATED: No longer supported in Skia
 CSkFILEStreamA stream that wraps a C FILE* file stream
 CSkFlattenableSkFlattenable is the base class for objects that need to be flattened into a data stream for either transport or as part of the key to the font cache
 CSkFontSkFont controls options applied when drawing and measuring text
 CSkFontArgumentsRepresents a set of actual arguments for a font
 CSkFontMetricsThe metrics of an SkFont
 CSkGradientShaderSkGradientShader hosts factories for creating subclasses of SkShader that render linear and radial gradients
 CSkHighContrastConfigConfiguration struct for SkHighContrastFilter
 CSkHighContrastFilterColor filter that provides transformations to improve contrast for users with low vision
 CSkImageSkImage describes a two dimensional array of pixels to draw
 CSkImageFilterBase class for image filters
 CSkImageInfoDescribes pixel dimensions and encoding
 CSkIRectSkIRect holds four 32-bit integer coordinates describing the upper and lower bounds of a rectangle
 CSkLayerDrawLooperDEPRECATED: No longer supported by Skia
 CSkLumaColorFilterSkLumaColorFilter multiplies the luma of its input into the alpha channel, and sets the red, green, and blue channels to zero
 CSkM444x4 matrix used by SkCanvas and other parts of Skia
 CSkMaskFilterSkMaskFilter is the base class for object that perform transformations on the mask before drawing it
 CSkMatrixSkMatrix holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates
 CSkMeshA vertex buffer, a topology, optionally an index buffer, and a compatible SkMeshSpecification
 CSkMeshSpecificationA specification for custom meshes
 CSkOpBuilderPerform a series of path operations, optimized for unioning many paths together
 CSkOverdrawCanvasCaptures all drawing commands
 CSkOverdrawColorFilterUses the value in the src alpha channel to set the dst pixel
 CSkPaintSkPaint controls options applied when drawing
 CSkPathSkPath contain geometry
 CSkPathEffectSkPathEffect is the base class for objects in the SkPaint that affect the geometry of a drawing primitive before it is transformed by the canvas' matrix and drawn
 CSkPerlinNoiseShaderSkPerlinNoiseShader creates an image using the Perlin turbulence function
 CSkPictureSkPicture records drawing commands made to SkCanvas
 CSkPixelRefThis class is the smart container for pixel memory, and is used with SkBitmap
 CSkPixmapSkPixmap provides a utility to pair SkImageInfo with pixels and row bytes
 CSkRasterHandleAllocatorIf a client wants to control the allocation of raster layers in a canvas, it should subclass SkRasterHandleAllocator
 CSkRectSkRect holds four float coordinates describing the upper and lower bounds of a rectangle
 CSkRefCntBaseSkRefCntBase is the base class for objects that may be shared by multiple objects
 CSkRegionSkRegion describes the set of pixels used to clip SkCanvas
 CSkRGBA4fRGBA color value, holding four floating point components
 CSkRRectSkRRect describes a rounded rectangle with a bounds and a pair of radii for each corner
 CSkRSXformA compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix
 CSkRuntimeBlendBuilderSkRuntimeBlendBuilder is a utility to simplify creation and uniform setup of runtime blenders
 CSkRuntimeColorFilterBuilderSkRuntimeColorFilterBuilder makes it easy to setup and assign uniforms to runtime color filters
 CSkRuntimeEffectBuilderBase class for SkRuntimeShaderBuilder, defined below
 CSkRuntimeShaderBuilderSkRuntimeShaderBuilder is a utility to simplify creating SkShader objects from SkRuntimeEffects
 CSkShaderShaders specify the source color(s) for what is being drawn
 CSkStreamSkStream – abstraction for a source of bytes
 CSkStreamAssetSkStreamAsset is a SkStreamSeekable for which getLength is required
 CSkStreamMemorySkStreamMemory is a SkStreamAsset for which getMemoryBase is required
 CSkStreamRewindableSkStreamRewindable is a SkStream for which rewind and duplicate are required
 CSkStreamSeekableSkStreamSeekable is a SkStreamRewindable for which position, seek, move, and fork are required
 CSkStringLight weight class for managing strings
 CSkSurfaceSkSurface is responsible for managing the pixels that a canvas draws into
 CSkSurfacePropsDescribes properties and constraints of a given SkSurface
 CSkSVGUseImplements support for <use> (reference) elements
 CSkTableMaskFilterApplies a table lookup on each of the alpha values in the mask
 CSkTextBlobSkTextBlob combines multiple text runs into an immutable container
 CSkTextBlobBuilderHelper class for constructing SkTextBlob
 CSkTextBlobBuilderRunHandlerHelper for shaping text directly into a SkTextBlob
 CSkTraceMemoryDumpInterface for memory tracing
 CSkTypefaceTypeface and intrinsic style of a font
 CSkVerticesAn immutable set of vertex data that can be used with SkCanvas::drawVertices
 CSkYUVAInfoSpecifies the structure of planes for a YUV image with optional alpha
 CSkYUVAPixmapInfoSkYUVAInfo combined with per-plane SkColorTypes and row bytes
 CSkYUVAPixmapsHelper to store SkPixmap planes as described by a SkYUVAPixmapInfo