2D Graphics Library
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
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 NSkBlurDrawLooperDEPRECATED: No longer supported in Skia
 NskgpuThis file includes numerous public types that are used by all of our gpu backends
 CMutableTextureStateSince Skia and clients can both modify gpu textures and their connected state, Skia needs a way for clients to inform us if they have modifiend any of this state
 CShaderErrorHandlerAbstract class to report errors when compiling shaders
 NSkMallocPixelRefWe explicitly use the same allocator for our pixels that SkMask does, so that we can freely assign memory allocated by one class to the other
 CExternalLayerInterface for externally-rendered layers
 CPrecompInterceptorInterface for intercepting pre-composed layer creation
 CLoggerA Logger subclass can be used to receive Animation::Builder parsing errors and warnings
 CExpressionManagerCreates ExpressionEvaluators to evaluate AE expressions and return the results
 CMarkerObserverInterface for receiving AE composition markers at Animation build time
 CPropertyHandleProperty handles are adapters between user-facing AE model/values and the internal scene-graph representation
 CPropertyObserverA PropertyObserver can be used to track and manipulate certain properties of "interesting" Lottie nodes
 CAttributeListAttributes for nodes in the PDF tree
 CStructureElementNodeA node in a PDF structure tree, giving a semantic representation of the content
 CMetadataOptional metadata to be passed into the PDF factory function
 CClipEffectConcrete Effect node, applying a clip to its descendants
 CColorFilterBase class for nodes which apply a color filter when rendering their descendants
 CExternalColorFilterWrapper for externally-managed SkColorFilters
 CModeColorFilterConcrete SkBlendModeColorFilter Effect node
 CGradientColorFilterTint/multi-tone color effect: maps RGB colors to the [C0,C1][C1,C2]..[Cn-1,Cn] gradient based on input luminance (where the colors are evenly distributed across the luminance domain), then mixes with the input based on weight
 CDrawConcrete rendering node
 CEffectNodeBase class for nodes which apply some transformation when rendering their descendants
 CGeometryEffectBase class for geometry effects
 CTrimEffectApply a trim effect to the child geometry
 CGeometryTransformApply a transform to a GeometryNode
 CDashEffectApply a dash effect to the child geometry
 CRoundEffectApply a rounded-corner effect to the child geometry
 COffsetEffectApply an offset effect to the child geometry
 CGeometryNodeBase class for nodes which provide 'geometry' (as opposed to paint) for drawing
 CGradientGradient base class
 CGroupConcrete node, grouping together multiple descendants
 CImageConcrete rendering node, wrapping an SkImage
 CInvalidationControllerReceiver for invalidation events
 CMaskEffectConcrete Effect node, applying a mask to its descendants
 CMergeConcrete Geometry node, combining other geometries based on Mode
 CNodeBase class for all scene graph nodes
 COpacityEffectConcrete Effect node, applying opacity to its descendants
 CPaintNodeBase class for nodes which provide a 'paint' (as opposed to geometry) for drawing (e.g
 CColorConcrete Paint node, wrapping an SkColor
 CShaderPaintShader-based paint
 CPathConcrete Geometry node, wrapping an SkPath
 CPlaneConcrete Geometry node, representing the whole canvas
 CRectConcrete Geometry node, wrapping an SkRect
 CRRectConcrete Geometry node, wrapping an SkRRect
 CShaderShader base class
 CShaderEffectAttaches a shader to the render DAG
 CMaskShaderEffectAttaches a mask shader to the render DAG
 CImageFilterImageFilter base class
 CImageFilterEffectAttaches an ImageFilter (chain) to the render DAG
 CExternalImageFilterWrapper for externally-managed SkImageFilters
 CDropShadowImageFilterSkDropShadowImageFilter node
 CBlurImageFilterSkBlurImageFilter node
 CBlenderEffectApplies an SkBlender to descendant render nodes
 CRenderNodeBase class for nodes which can render to a canvas
 CCustomRenderNodeClients outside SkSG looking to implement custom render nodes, should derive from this class instead of RenderNode
 CSceneHolds a scene root
 CTextConcrete Geometry node, wrapping a (shaped) SkTextBlob
 CTransformTransformations base class
 CMatrixConcrete, matrix-backed Transform
 CTransformEffectConcrete Effect node, binding a Transform to a RenderNode
 NSkTiledImageUtilsSkTiledImageUtils' DrawImage/DrawImageRect methods are intended to be direct replacements for their SkCanvas equivalents